Social Prescribing in Canada

Canadian Institute for Social Prescribing

The Canadian Institute for Social Prescribing (CISP) is a new national hub to link people and share practices that connect people to community-based supports and services that can help improve their health and wellbeing.

CISP is part of a global movement of people bringing community capacity and healthcare services closer together by directly addressing the social determinants of health, from loneliness and social isolation to racism and ageism to income and housing and much more.

Visit Canadian Institute for Social Prescribing

Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention

This special issue of Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada marks a national first the first journal issue entirely dedicated to social prescribing, a rapidly growing field in Canada. The issue arrives 50 years after the 1974 Lalonde report highlighted the impact of social factors such as poverty and social isolation on health.

Editorial: Social prescribing in Canada: health promotion in action, 50 years after the Lalonde report.

Read the Editorial