
Our website is designed to support our member communities and serve as a resource hub for individuals seeking assistance. We collaborate closely with over 80 member organizations. Additionally, we take pride in being the stewards of the Age Friendly Manitoba Initiative and the leading organization for Social Prescribing in Manitoba.

What are Senior Communities?

Senior Communities are health-promoting, capacity-building hubs focused on aging, where older adults come together to access services and participate in activities that enhance their dignity, support independence, and encourage community involvement. They offer programs that provide essential health services, operate under the governance of a community-based board of directors, address the diverse needs of older adults, offer educational opportunities, develop innovative programming, and serve as a valuable resource for information on aging.

The Philosophy of Manitoba Senior Communities

Aging is a natural part of development. We all benefit from having peers to interact with, who offer encouragement and support. As older adults, we have the right to voice our opinions on issues that matter to us. A person's sense of well-being is enriched when they achieve balance and satisfaction across various aspects of life, including emotional, physical, social, intellectual, and spiritual dimensions. We believe that members and volunteers form the backbone of senior communities, which foster a positive perspective on aging.

Our Locations

Click on the blue location marker to highlight the member community and then on their title for more information. Use the zoom in and out buttons (in the upper left corner of the map) to locate additional communities.

Help Starts Here Dial 211

Calling 2-1-1 or visiting can connect you to community resources and services anywhere in Manitoba. This service is free, confidential, and available in 150+ languages. 211 can help older adults find resources for: Meals for Seniors, Pension and Income Support, Transportation, Recreation, Housing and Home Maintenance, Home Health Care, Elder Abuse, Daily Hello/Friendly Visiting Program and more!

Thank You to Our Supporters!

New Horizons for Seniors Program Logo

New Horizons for Seniors Program

Manitoba Logo


Age Friendly Manitoba Logo

Age Friendly Manitoba

CJNU Nostalgia Radio Logo

CJNU Nostalgia Radio

The Manitoba Association of Senior Communities is located on the traditional territory of the Anishinaabe, Cree, Oji-Cree, Dakota, Dene and Metis peoples as well as the National Homeland of the Red River Métis. Our primary office is located on Treaty 1 Territory – our work extends throughout Treaties 2, 3, 4 and 5. We respect the Treaties formed on these territories.