For several years the Elementary School in Onanole, MB has been working with older adults in the community to both enhance the school year program as well as the quality of life in the community. One the highlights of this intergenerational activity is the Elders dance, whereby, the older adults of the community and the students get together several times over the year to teach and to learn from one another, old time dances… the waltz, the polka, the shostiche, and the butterfly. The whole program culminates in a formal evening in May at the local community center known as the Elders dance, whereby the students undertake organizing the program, the food, and the activity. With support from the local businesses, musicians, and parents, the evening has been a marvelous success in many ways. The Principal, Pam Ryzner, the AF Committee chair Doreen Stapleton, and various students, and older adults comment on the fun, joy and benefits of this great intergenerational activity.